My favorite books:
Organized Simplicity, Tsh Oxenreider - This is about simplifying your whole life and I love it. A lot.
The Joy of Less, Francine Jay - Mostly about minimalizing what you own.
Home Comforts, Cheryl Mendelson - ALL about housekeeping. I love this book.
Nourishing Traditions, Sally Fallon - My number 1 resource for tradition food.
Weekend Knitting, Melanie Falick - I just think this is a good book, with patterns for simple, basic items. The patterns are also easy to follow and were some of the first patterns I worked with.
Weekend Sewing, Heather Ross - I'm not sure if Weekend Sewing is put out by the same people as Weekend Knitting, but it, too, is a good, basic resource with patterns for simple items of clothing, bags, and clothes for kids, etc.
All around simple living blogs:
Down to Earth - One of my all time faves, Rhonda is thoughtful, sincere, and very concise, writing on all sorts of subjects: backyard chickens, home soapmaking, bread baking, housekeeping, home finances, homemade cleaning supplies, food preservation and fermentation, the list goes on.
Homestead Revival - Amy's blog is beautiful! But it's also very practical. I especially enjoy all of her parenting advice. Even though we don't have kids, I am in contact with a lot of kids on a regular basis, and I find her very wise and insightful.
Simple Mom - Tsh talks about everything! She'll tell you how to get rid of the clutter in your house, how to make homemade cleaning supplies, and how to meal plan and organize your day.
Homemaking blogs:
The Inspired Room - Another beautiful blog, Melissa gives a lot of excellent housekeeping advice. I love her routine for keeping her house "clean enough".
Homestead Revival - I put this one down here, too, because Amy offers so. much. great advice for homemaking.
Traditional food blogs:
The Nourishing Gourmet - Kimi is very creative, even with all of her daughter's eating restrictions! She has several delicious candy recipes and, before we went grain free, we used her salmon lime fried rice recipe at least once every two weeks.
Nourished Kitchen - Jenny is a wellspring of information. I think my favorite posts from her are her classic meatloaf and how to make continuous bone stock. She's really incredible and her recipes are definitely gourmet. Also, her food photography is to die for.
Kitchen Stewardship - A very practical blog. Katie writes a lot about soaking and sprouting your grains, getting the plastic and other contaminants out of your kitchen, and shares some great recipes. She's also had some killer giveaways.
Food Renegade - Kristen is who taught me to make kombucha! And I love me some good, super fizzy kombucha! She has a lot of information about traditional nutrition and food preparation. Her blog is an incredible resource.
Roost - lots of grain-free recipes - Yet another incredibly beautiful blog. Caitlin eats grain-free, like we do, and she shares my name (!), although mine's been shortened to Catie and hers to Coco. I love her recipe for frozen yogurt, and she gives some other indispensable (SCD-legal, grain free) recipes
Sewing, knitting and crafting blogs:
The Purl Bee - The ladies at the Purl Bee can do everything! From sewing, to quilting, knitting to crochet, embroidery and crewelwork, they've got your bases covered. There are a ton of free patterns/tutorials as well!
Posie Gets Cozy - I just love Alicia's blog for all the crafty-making inspiration she shares. She takes beautiful pictures of the food she's made, and the house she keeps, and the little girl dresses she makes.
Whip Up - Just a lot of crafty inspo and links to tutorials!
Fine Little Day - I suppose Elisabeth's blog isn't exactly a sewing, knitting, or crafting blog. More of a inspiration blog. She does a lot of photo taking of other people's oh-so-lovely Swedish apartments and it's just a beautiful blog I love to see.
Dottie Angel - I love Tif's style. It's patchworky, vintage, lacey and pretty and brightly colored, but airy and light. She writes from mossy shed and her writing style is ever so sweet and peachy. I want to make some Dottie Angel-inspired lace curtains someday.
Other resources:
Ravelry - social networking site for knitters and crocheters, with tons and tons and so, so many free patterns!
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